Scott Pilgrim from Netflix will change a detail about Ramona Flowers in a curious way

The animated series has already showcased its first animated preview, grabbing a lot of attention

Scott Pilgrim from Netflix will change a detail about Ramona Flowers in a curious way

The animated series has already showcased its first animated preview, grabbing a lot of attention

Scott Pilgrim is getting an anime adaptation thanks to Netflix, and fans of Bryan Lee O'Malley's work couldn't be more excited. That's why it made a lot of noise when the streaming service released a first teaser, which showed us that it will change a detail from the comic in a very curious way.

This week, Netflix shared a clip from Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, the animated series on Netflix. It's a video of just under 2 minutes that shows us the romantic interest Scott Pilgrim has in Ramona Flowers and the things he does to get to know her.

What caught the attention of many is that this animated series will change a detail about Ramona Flowers. If you read the graphic novel or watched the movie, you know that originally Ramona works as a delivery person for, and Scott places an order to reconnect with her. Apparently, Netflix didn't want to promote Amazon, so they decided to change Ramona's job to something that no longer exists.

Ramona Flowers has a new job in Scott Pilgrim Takes Off

So, what is Ramona Flowers' new job in Scott Pilgrim: Takes Off? She works delivering Netflix DVDs to homes. As you know, it's the first service that the platform offered before becoming a streaming giant, but it discontinued it starting this year.

It's a modification that purists might not appreciate, but in reality, it doesn't feel bad at all. After all, it's a way to avoid advertising a direct rival and, at the same time, integrates its brand in an organic way. Especially because it adds a bit of humor and transports us to the era when Scott Pilgrim was published.

Ramona Flowers has a new job
Ramona Flowers has a new job

What do you think of this change? Do you think it's a clever idea, or do you believe Netflix should have avoided integrating themselves in this way into Scott Pilgrim? Tell us in the comments.


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