Metroid Prime 4: new details leaked about the game that will surprise you

The title is still aimed for the Nintendo Switch

Metroid Prime 4: new details leaked about the game that will surprise you

The title is still aimed for the Nintendo Switch

We have received interesting news related to Metroid Prime 4, as some details have just been revealed that would give an idea of what can be expected in the Nintendo Switch title.

As you probably know, Nintendo recently updated its lineup of releases and confirmed that the game starring Samus Aran is still in consideration for the hybrid console.

Is Samus nearby?
Is Samus nearby?

Now, XboxEra co-founder, Nick Baker, talked about Metroid Prime 4 on his podcast and revealed some details from someone he knows, who allegedly has already seen the game.

Here are the points discussed in the podcast:

  • The game looks incredible
  • It won't be open-world
  • It will have larger areas than in previous games
  • The environments are reminiscent of Halo Infinite

As you could see, Baker spent a few minutes on Metroid Prime 4 in his XboxEra podcast and talked about what his mysterious source revealed to him. The source claims that the game for the hybrid console won't be open-world, but it will have larger areas than those seen in the franchise before.

On the other hand, they didn't miss the opportunity to mention that the game looks amazing and even reminiscent of titles like Halo Infinite, so many fans will likely be relieved by these comments.

Of course, all of this is based on mere rumors, and we will have to wait for Nintendo to share official information about this game, which has already been 6 years since its initial announcement and 4 years since the reboot of its development with Retro Studios was confirmed.

When do you think Metroid Prime 4 will be showcased? Let us know in the comments.

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