Titan, the lost submarine that traveled to the Titanic, arrived in GTA V with a controversial mod

The unofficial project developed by a fan caused controversy

Titan, the lost submarine that traveled to the Titanic, arrived in GTA V with a controversial mod

The unofficial project developed by a fan caused controversy

One of the most important news in recent days was the disappearance of Titan, a submarine that descended to the bottom of the sea to visit the remains of the Titanic and lost contact along the way. This unfortunate case ended in tragedy, but it didn't stop a modder from referencing what happened in Grand Theft Auto V.

After descending, the submarine disappeared on June 18 shortly after losing communication. After an exhaustive search by the authorities, the United States Coast Guard announced that the underwater vehicle suffered an implosion along the way, resulting in the death of the 5 crew members.

Unofficial mod brings the OceanGate Titan to Grand Theft Auto V

It is a shocking story that, unfortunately, ended in fatality, so it is understandable that a recent mod for Grand Theft Auto V immortalizing the OceanGate submarine caused outrage and controversy among players and internet users in general.

The mod in question is called Oceangate Titan Submersible 1.0 and is the work of the user SkylineGTRFreak. Since its release at the end of this week, it has gained great notoriety and has achieved over 3000 downloads on a specialized portal for modifications for the Rockstar Games video game.

Although it holds a very positive rating and most users reacted with humor, the mod for GTA V generated controversy on social media. On Twitter, people condemned the project and criticized it as tasteless, arguing that the tragedy is very recent and that there was loss of human life.

"This is crazy, it's too soon, man!" one person said. "Highly inappropriate for the 5 people who literally died. You're all evil, friend," another user affirmed. "I wouldn't even make that mod," confessed popular YouTuber ToastedShoes.

Interestingly, the unfortunate case of the OceanGate Titan submarine had an indirect relationship with the world of video games. Firstly, it was revealed that a generic Logitech controller was used to manipulate the vehicle. This finding caused the stocks of the responsible company to drop, although it boosted sales of the model on Amazon.

Likewise, the popular horror game Iron Lung saw an increase in sales due to the similarities in its concept with the real event.

But tell us, do you think this mod is in bad taste? Let us know in the comments.


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