Xbox explains what console war is and uses it to its advantage before FTC

The company reiterated that it is behind PlayStation and Nintendo

Xbox explains what console war is and uses it to its advantage before FTC

The company reiterated that it is behind PlayStation and Nintendo

During this week's hearings, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) asked Xbox about the so-called console war and where it stands in this competition. Phil Spencer, head of the brand, did not hesitate and answered the regulator's questions.

What is console warfare? Phil Spencer answers

From Spencer's perspective, console warfare is "just a social construct of the community." He stated that his statement includes the Xbox community itself, which he described as a group of big fans.

By this, he means that the idea of console warfare was born and grew over the years largely from the interactions, debates and disputes of gamers. Add to this, how the industry itself has used this idea for various purposes over the years.

On the other hand, Spencer took the opportunity to emphasize that Xbox is in third position in this so-called console war. He stated that its market share over the past 20 years has been less than that of its main competitors, namely PlayStation and Nintendo.

"As the console war is a social construct of the community I would never want to count our community out, they´re big fans. If you look at our market share in the console space over the last 20+ years, we're in third place," Spencer said.

With this, once again Xbox wants to give the impression that it is far from being the market leader and that it needs Activision Blizzard to truly compete with the rest of the companies.


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