Call of Duty on Xbox Game Pass and PS Plus 'makes sense,' analysts say

Could this be beneficial for both companies?

Call of Duty on Xbox Game Pass and PS Plus 'makes sense,' analysts say

Could this be beneficial for both companies?

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From the columns of GamesIndustry, analyst Piers Harding-Rolls of Ampere Games discussed the possible consequences of one of the most critical aspects of the increasingly rumored deal between Activision and Microsoft, namely the future entry of Call of Duty on Game Pass and, perhaps, PlayStation Plus.

According to the Research Director of the well-known video game analytics institute Ampere, the hypothetical arrival of the Call of Duty series on the primary subscription services of Microsoft and Sony could be the right move for both the shooter series and, of course, the two subscription ecosystems.

Subscription services are very popular

Piers Harding-Rolls starts with the latter point to underscore the difficulties faced by the Redmond-based company and the Japanese tech giant in expanding its subscriber base, with Xbox Game Pass stuck at 25 million subscribers and the -4 percent decline in PS Plus subscribers recorded over the past year.

Indeed, the analyst believes that "the video game industry is different from other markets; the entertainment In-game and DLC monetization dominates the wider sector and is the largest part of the console market, although the monetization share is much more even than, say, the mobile games market. The ability to deploy hybrid monetization, for example, subscriptions and in-game monetization or advertising, adds to the commercial viability of services such as Game Pass. I'm not expecting subscriptions to dominate the games sector. Still, I believe that adding new releases into these services gradually undermines the commercial robustness of the premium business model for console games."

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In looking at the future of Call of Duty on Game Pass and presumably PS Plus, Ampere Games analyst explains that "if COD is integrated into subscriptions such as Xbox Game Pass, it will have a major impact on subscriber numbers. Also, the inclusion of a Perk or additional perks for COD Warzone on Game Pass could help with engagement and loyalty.''

Do you think this saga should arrive in the subscription services? Let us know in the comments!


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