Destiny 2 community pays tribute to a girl who died of cancer

The community go gold to remember her

Destiny 2 community pays tribute to a girl who died of cancer

The community go gold to remember her

Sometimes video game communities go to no very healthy extremes; either toxicity or harassment, you name it… However, that is not everything we do, sometimes we get together to help or support noble causes like this one.

This time, the Destiny 2 community has made a gesture of support for a family that suffered an unfortunate loss, Twitter user @AnneMunition stumbled upon a Reddit post asking the Destiny 2 players to participate in something that even though sounded easy was meaningful.

According to the information, a parent, known in the Bungie game scene, revealed that his eldest daughter died in 2020 from Ewings sarcoma, an aggressive childhood cancer; but before her death, in September 2019, this gamer dad first asked the community to join the fight and awareness of childhood cancer by associating gold with the characters of the game, although on that occasion the response was not so great.

Fortunately, this time the news went viral and upon learning about the case, the Destiny 2 community joined and began dressing their characters in gold, in honour of this girl who fought with all her will.

It is important to note that gold is the colour related to Childhood Cancer Awareness month, that being September each year.

If you play Destiny 2, it is likely that throughout this month you will stumble upon characters in gold and you already know why! Maybe you will be encouraged to do the same because supporting our community is what we do best.


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