Forspoken will have a feature shared with Devil May Cry

The Luminous and Square Enix game will debut early next year

Forspoken will have a feature shared with Devil May Cry

The Luminous and Square Enix game will debut early next year

We recently talked about Forspoken, this incredible title that will be released on January 24, 2023; unfortunately, it was one of the titles that suffered a delay since its original release date was going to be this year.

On the good side, we have seen a little more about the title thanks to the fact that recently due to the Gamescom 2022 European event, those responsible for the game decided to reveal a lot of interesting information about what is coming for the title.



As we have been able to see, thanks to new gameplay videos, combat is a key piece in the title. However, we can see that there will also be other types of attacks, and the best thing is that devastating combos can be unleashed that initially look spectacular.

The video shows that combat in Forspoken will be graded by the game's own system, just as is a tradition in Devil May Cry. The correct execution of combos and the proper use of spells will grant some reward.

Lastly, it was revealed that Forspoken would feature over 100 spells and abilities, meaning there will be plenty of options for players to experiment with against enemies and bosses.

According to Luminous and Square Enix, Forspoken is generally finished. These months, the team has been polishing every aspect, ensuring quality for its release on PlayStation 5 and PC next year.

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