Did you know Halo 2 gets more viewers than Halo Infinite on Twitch?

It turns out that Halo 2 is getting 38 times more views than Halo Infinite

Did you know Halo 2 gets more viewers than Halo Infinite on Twitch?

It turns out that Halo 2 is getting 38 times more views than Halo Infinite

Facts are facts. And the fact here is that Halo Infinite is not getting the popularity that the fans and creators thought it would have. How can we know this for sure? The people that play and watch people play it has turned out to be lower than expected. This info was found in a comparison between Halo Infinite and Halo 2, the second one 38 times more viewed than the first (on Twitch.)

The gap in viewership between both games was first noticed by Gun Shot on Twitter. According to his findings, more than 45,000 people were watching others play Halo 2 at one point on Wednesday. Meanwhile, just 1,200 people were watching others play Infinite.

However, it turns out that this difference has a very reasonable explanation.

According to The Gamer, Cr1TiKaL issued what they assumed to be an impossible Halo 2 challenge last month. Complete the game with all but one of the skulls enabled without dying once. They offered $5,000 to anyone who could do it and then upped the prize pot to $20,000. It turns out it wasn't an impossible challenge after all. JerValiN was up to it and completed the challenge in just six hours on Wednesday, winning the prize money on offer in the process.

And as you may imagine, the challenge and the intention to solve it became insanely viral. The real challenge (from JerValiN’s attempt) was streamed on Twitch. The rest is history.

Setting aside this unique event on the streaming platform, on a regular day, three people are watching Halo 2 on Twitch right now while more than 300 are watching Halo Infinite.

What are your thoughts on this phenomenon? Let us know in the comment section!



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